A- ki te he koe i te mataaro pūkaha hiahia he kamupene hanga mo te whakatika mīhini aroha tuhituhi iho tou ingoa, whenua me te pa
A1- tō īmēra, me te waea kia taea te kaihoko taputapu te kamupene hanga ranei i roto i to koutou wahi rohe whakapā koe i roto i te wa.
B- LF ko koe he kamupene hanga me te kaihoko taputapu e hiahia ana te kaipūkaha mō te whakatika mīhini aroha tuhituhi iho tou ingoa kamupene, whenua me te pa.
B1- īmēra me te waea o tō kamupene kia taea te kaipūkaha i roto i to koutou wahi rohe whakapā me te mahi koutou i roto i te wa. (E hiahiatia ana)
C- LF ko koe e hiahia ana i te kaihoko taputapu kaihoko me ngā ratonga kaipūkaha mō ngā mīhini aroha tuhituhi iho tou ingoa kamupene, whenua me te pa.
C1- īmēra me te waea o tou kamupene na te kaihoko, me Engineers i roto i to koutou wahi rohe taea te whakapā atu koe, ka whiwhi koutou hua ratonga ranei mo koutou i roto i te wa.
2 - He aha ngā te whakaaro e whakamahi koe mo matou mihini?
kōwhiringa tuatahi: pātū hanga
2: whare nui
3: nui piriti me te kauhanga hanga
4: nui hanga whare arumoni
5: ara, me te toku hanga
6: whare putunga me te fare hanga
3- ngā te mahi taipitopito e hiahia aha koe tou taputapu hokona ki te mahi?
kōwhiringa tuatahi: uru a kawe i te raima
2: ki te hanga rori te whakaputa me te kawe oneone pūmau
3: kawe te raima ki 10-200 mita atu
4: kawe a whakairi taraka me taonga
5: Bulldozing me te maminga
4- aha te te utu ūnga mo ki a koutou te whakaae?
kōwhiringa tuatahi: 25000 USD utu kaipuke ngā
2 :: 50000 USD utu kaipuke ngā
3: 60000 USD utu kaipuke ngā
ngā utu kaipuke 120000 USD mō te taraka kotokoto papu: 4
5- LF e hiahia ana koe ki te hoko i te taputapu, e manako koe ki te hoko atu spareparts me oko?
kōwhiringa Tuatahi: ae
2: kahore
6- ki te hiahia koe ki te hoko i to matou taputapu, he aha te te ratonga tino ohie e hiahia ana koe ki te tiki i a matou?
kōwhiringa tuatahi: kirimana legit ki te uruhi ture
2: utu Haumaru i te L / C
3: tukuna haumaru ki te tirohanga pai
4: kounga taurangi
5: I muri i - hoko tiaki
6: whai wāhi karanga ratonga
7: taipitopito whakautu īmēra me te otinga
8: te tahi atu ratonga rite Engineer pai whakarato mōhiohio i roto i to koutou whenua.
7- aha te koutou tau?
kōwhiringa Tuatahi: 20-30
2: 30-40
3: 40-50
4: 60 i runga ake
8- Eaha te taea nga ratonga pai makona koe?
kōwhiringa tuatahi: utu pai me te kounga pai
2: kirimana haumaru, me te utu
3: tukuna haumaru
4: pai i muri-hoko tiaki
5: te tahi atu titauraa a aroha tuhituhi iho i te reira i te pātea whakamutunga.
E 9 He aha te koutou watea mua, me te whakangahau?
kōwhiringa tuatahi: kāwai game Video
2: kawhe dinking
3: Film me te kāwai hākoritanga
4: Whaiaro-timer piha kōrerorero tukutuku
5: mahi Hapori
6: Pukapuka me te waiata
7: Tourism me te kāwai tāpoi
8: Kia pai te kāwai whakaaturanga whakaatu
9: mōrearea Outdoor
10: titiro hoki kāwai kai
11: taviniraa etahi Volunteer Class
12: akomanga arearea ahurei
13: ētahi atu, me te aroha tuhituhi iho i te pātea whakamutunga
10- aha makasini e koe te nuinga o tai'o?
kōwhiringa Tuatahi: Forbes
2: Financial
3: IT ao kaiwhakahaere
4: Harvard Arotake Pakihi
5: kaiwhakahaere taonga hou kaipakihi ao.
11- Aroha kia mohio pehea koutou e ongo'i rite e pā ana ki to tatou hua, a aroha hoatu he whakaaro haratau, kia taea ia tatou te whakapai ake nui i to tatou ratonga Mauruuru koe.
12 tou ingoa, me te whenua (hiahiatia) (hiahiatia)
Koutou īmēra kia taea tukua tatou te tono pai otinga ranei i roto i te wa koutou (e hiahiatia ana)
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